
Books and Tutorials


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We have downloadable PDF tutorials for most of the popular weaves. We are working as quickly as possible to get all of them ready for you. We ask for your patience while we finish this list. If the tutorial you are looking for is not available yet, please feel free to email us.

Tutorial instructions are available as an instant download PDF only. No supplies are included. If you would like a kit, which has everything to make the project excluding tools, please visit our Kits sectionTutorials are for personal use only and may not be used to teach or resell in any format without written permission.

To Download your tutorial: 
Open your order confirmation email and click on the link to the tutorial.  Once you open this link, be sure to save it somewhere!  Every time you "open" the PDF, it is considered a download. If you don't have a good place to store it (on a computer or cloud based storage) you can also email the PDF to yourself for safe keeping. 

All rings sizes listed in our tutorials are AWG and Inner Diameter measurements.